Are you an aspiring filmmaker….

. . . . but feel you lack the professional tools to express your story properly? Hmm, that sounds like an advert, haha – let me be more direct: have you got a camera on your phone?! Well, start shooting with it ‘til you can afford a bigger one!

One of the greatest modern filmmakers, Steven Soderbergh (Sex, Lies & Videotape, Traffic), talks here to Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo, Never Let Me Go) about low-budget filmmaking (in what sounds like the commentary to his 2005 digital film “Bubble”). He’s delightfully honest; really encouraging of harnessing natural light to paint your frame and of using untrained actors to express your story. Clearly much has been prepared and executed to achieve a successful finished film, but if you always thought you needed a crew of 50, professional actors and a honey wagon – think again!!

40 Illuminating Minutes with Steven Soderbergh  About Low Budget Filmmaking

More recently, Soderbergh took sole credit on shooting, directing AND editing a brilliant new TV series called “The Knick” (Clive Owen, André Holland) about a hospital in Manhattan at the turn of the 20th Century (10 episodes in only 73 days!) – which is further testament to what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. Another visionary, Werner Herzog, says all you need to make a feature film these days is $10k, so set yourself some boundaries, get writing, save up those De Niros 😉 and you CAN make it happen! When you do (or if you already have?!) send us an email – we’d love to hear about it.


Author : Christiaan Faberij de Jonge – Film Director.

Are you an aspiring filmmaker. . . .